The American Distilling Institute & Heritage Distilling

I just got back from a fantastic morning in Gig Harbor, Washington, where The American Distilling Institute was wrapping up a week-long class for budding distillers, hosted by Heritage Distilling. I was graciously invited to speak on the finer points of branding and package design as it relates to the spirits industry by labeling genius Tari Gordon of GM Nameplate/Elite Label. After our presentation, the whole class of 24 migrated to the distillery proper and had some hands-on time operating the stills and learning to taste for “heads, hearts & tails” as the ever-changing output of the still is known. I was happy to poach a little class time and benefit form this experience myself. There’s no substitute for hands-on learning and I’m grateful to have been included.
If you don’t know Heritage Distilling, they are doing some creative things over there. If you’ve ever wanted to learn about this craft yourself, they have classes and workshops which would be a great place to start and a lot of fun in the process. And of course, the American Distilling Institute also offers classes and workshops of their own, for those who are serious about it.
Their big Italian still, affectionately known as “Nonna”:
Customer-made spirits, aging in oak casks, on-site:
More beautiful copper, brass and steel: