Bulgarian Beer Cask

About a month ago, I ordered an antique beer cask on eBay for use as a photo prop. It arrived yesterday, dirty and disheveled – and barely still contained within the box that held it – after a six thousand mile journey.
I Just got through giving it a thorough once over with some woodworker’s paste wax and a toothbrush. What a beauty! The paste wax really cleaned up the rusty, dusty finish and gave it a subtle satin sheen – and filled in the many tiny pinholes and imperfections (the kind that would take a lot of time digitally removing them from every photo). See photo, above. What a handsome thing. I’m excited to get shooting.
I love how the new satin finish reflects some light, without going all the way to “glossy” which would be a problem.
Curious why the ends were painted red, I found some interesting information here.

6,000 miles takes its toll on a cardboard box.

Right off the boat: Rusty, dusty & dirty.

Much better!